Washington Farm is a community committed to planting strong seeds of faith that grow deep roots so we can share the love of Jesus Christ.
Join us at the Little Green Church!
Worship 10:00 AM Sundays
Washington Farm UMC
Can’t make it to worship in person?
Want to see what we’re about?
Drop in and watch our livestream on Sundays at 10:00 am or check out our recordings on Facebook orYoutube.
Christian Education Opportunities:
The Nursery– Drop off 9:45 AM /Pick up 11:15 AM (upper level of the Education Building)
Children’s Sunday School will be held at 9:00 AM in the Children’s Sunday School room (upper level of the Education Building)
Adult Sunday School – 11:30 AM (In-person in the Sanctuary Basement and on Zoom)
Sunday Night Live Jr. & Sr. High Youth Bible Study & Dinner (In Person) meets Sunday evenings from 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM in the Youth Room (lower level of the Education Building)
Young Adult Ministry – (Virtual) Meeting Thursday January 23rd at 7:00 PM on the gather town platform. Contact Pastor Claire for the access link.
Washington Farm is a community committed to planting strong seeds of faith that grow deep roots so we can share the love of Jesus Christ.Join us at the Little Green Church!
Worship 10:00 AM Sundays
Washington Farm UMC
Can’t make it to worship in person?
Want to see what we’re about?
Drop in and watch our livestream on Sundays at 10:00 am or check out our recordings on Facebook or Youtube.
Christian Education Opportunities: