WFUMC INFO January 14
Please check for * before the new items below.
*The church office will be closed this Monday, January 18 in observance of Martin Luther King Birthday.
*For those of us who are 75 or older, go to WTOP.COM to register and schedule your Covid vaccination. Just click on Fairfax County or whatever county that you live in and it will give you the info you need.
The Church Council, at the behest of the Bishop’s office, decided that if the Positivity Rate in VA went over 15%, all Small Groups meeting under the auspices of WFUMC would need to meet outside. We are now over 15%. Small group meetings must be held outside.
Pastor Christina will be on vacation from January 10-16. If you have any pastoral care needs, please contact the church office, 703-780-4696 or Bev Card 703-200-6652.
Live streaming links: For 10 AM Sunday Services
*Our regular 10 AM On Line Service will be this Sunday, January 17.
*UMW is happy to report that the “little green church” Christmas mice and snowflakes project plus other items generously donated at the Christmas tree lot raised a whopping $2,133 for our scholarships and charities! Heartfelt thanks go to all the ladies who participated in making the mice and snowflakes, Gail Dawes for her beautiful scarves, Sy Berdux for his lovely wooden tree ornaments and pot stirrers, Sue Irvin for the pretty boxed Christmas cards and gift bags, and Sandy Berdux, Anne Smith, Emma Wilson, and Mary Rohweder for their delicious baked goods (purchased mostly by tree lot workers!)
Beth Jones
The next UMW Women’s Outdoor Gathering will be held this Tuesday, January 19 at 10 AM, behind the Education building. Bring your mask, your chair and a cup of coffee. Don’t forget to fill out your Health Acknowledgement Form.
Children & Youth
K-5th grade is led by Mel Hinton and Eileen Fraedrich
6th-8th grade is led by Hannah Perkins and Shirley Watson
9th & 10th grade is led by Pam Wolski and Bryan Bourne
11th & 12th grade is led by Drew Barnes and Bob Enck
If you wish to enroll your child in Sunday School Zoom Classes Sunday at 11 AM, or if you would like to join the adult Sunday School class that also meets at 11 AM, contact to register and for class zoom links.
Adult Sunday School – Sunday, at 11 am. Join Donna Julian and Steve Brown and journey inside the pages of Scripture to meet a personal God who enters individual lives and begins a creative work from the inside out.
Please contact Sam Barnes for your Zoom link or for more information!
GIVING – Thank you to all who have responded to the end of the year giving updates! Our Washington Farm family is wonderfully generous and faithful. You make the important work of Christ happen in our community. To make a contribution, you can mail donations to WFUMC, PO Box 36, Mt. Vernon, VA, 22121-0036, or give online.
*New info
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Last Updated: January 24, 2021 by WFUMCadmin
WFUMC INFO January 14
Please check for * before the new items below.
*The church office will be closed this Monday, January 18 in observance of Martin Luther King Birthday.
*For those of us who are 75 or older, go to WTOP.COM to register and schedule your Covid vaccination. Just click on Fairfax County or whatever county that you live in and it will give you the info you need.
The Church Council, at the behest of the Bishop’s office, decided that if the Positivity Rate in VA went over 15%, all Small Groups meeting under the auspices of WFUMC would need to meet outside. We are now over 15%. Small group meetings must be held outside.
Pastor Christina will be on vacation from January 10-16. If you have any pastoral care needs, please contact the church office, 703-780-4696 or Bev Card 703-200-6652.
Live streaming links: For 10 AM Sunday Services
*Our regular 10 AM On Line Service will be this Sunday, January 17.
*UMW is happy to report that the “little green church” Christmas mice and snowflakes project plus other items generously donated at the Christmas tree lot raised a whopping $2,133 for our scholarships and charities! Heartfelt thanks go to all the ladies who participated in making the mice and snowflakes, Gail Dawes for her beautiful scarves, Sy Berdux for his lovely wooden tree ornaments and pot stirrers, Sue Irvin for the pretty boxed Christmas cards and gift bags, and Sandy Berdux, Anne Smith, Emma Wilson, and Mary Rohweder for their delicious baked goods (purchased mostly by tree lot workers!)
Beth Jones
The next UMW Women’s Outdoor Gathering will be held this Tuesday, January 19 at 10 AM, behind the Education building. Bring your mask, your chair and a cup of coffee. Don’t forget to fill out your Health Acknowledgement Form.
Children & Youth
K-5th grade is led by Mel Hinton and Eileen Fraedrich
6th-8th grade is led by Hannah Perkins and Shirley Watson
9th & 10th grade is led by Pam Wolski and Bryan Bourne
11th & 12th grade is led by Drew Barnes and Bob Enck
If you wish to enroll your child in Sunday School Zoom Classes Sunday at 11 AM, or if you would like to join the adult Sunday School class that also meets at 11 AM, contact to register and for class zoom links.
Adult Sunday School – Sunday, at 11 am. Join Donna Julian and Steve Brown and journey inside the pages of Scripture to meet a personal God who enters individual lives and begins a creative work from the inside out.
Please contact Sam Barnes for your Zoom link or for more information!
GIVING – Thank you to all who have responded to the end of the year giving updates! Our Washington Farm family is wonderfully generous and faithful. You make the important work of Christ happen in our community. To make a contribution, you can mail donations to WFUMC, PO Box 36, Mt. Vernon, VA, 22121-0036, or give online.
*New info
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