PO Box 36 Mount Vernon, VA 22121 admin@washingtonfarmumc.org 703.780.4696


WFUMC INFO April 1, 2021

Please check for * before the new items below.

*Holy Week Schedule:

April 1        Holy Thursday       7PM Online (tonight)

April 2        Good Friday          12 Noon Online

*April 4        Easter Sunday       7:00 AM in-person

 Easter Sunday       10 AM ZOOM (see invite below)

 (Bring your fresh flowers to place on our cross in front of the church).  Even if we cannot yet re-enter the church, we can certainly celebrate our Lord’s resurrection together by observing this joyful 30-year decoration tradition! 

*Bring your lawn chair for the 7 AM Sunrise Service. Please email Nancy in the church office at admin@washingtonfarmumc.org in advance if you are interested in attending.

*Our 10 AM Easter Service will be by Zoom this Sunday, April 4. See link below to use for Easter 10 AM service.

*You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Easter Service
Time: Apr 4, 2021 09:45 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 919 8310 6960
Passcode: 310567


Children toddlers-6th grade

Live and in-person. Sunday, April 4th @ 2 pm.

We are super-excited to be able to do this this year. 

Please be aware that there are additional Covid-safe rules this year.

  • Everyone must fill out a health acknowledgment form within a week of the eventhttps://wfumc.breezechms.com/form/575c52
  • Everyone must wear a mask over their nose and mouth.
  • Toddlers must be accompanied by a parent so that they do not toddle too close to another child.
  • We can not distribute bags to those who forget a basket; you must bring your own. 
  • If you touch an egg you must take the egg.
  • Depending on attendance, some things may look different than a normal year.

As always, “there are no eggs in the parking lot, there no eggs in the cemetery, and prizes will be awarded!”

Reminder to all:

Reverend James A. Lewis

*Email: pastor@washingtonfarmumc.org; pastorjamesumc@gmail.com

Cell: 706-832-5345

Please keep Pastor Christina and her family in your thoughts and prayers as she and her doctors work together to cure her migraine headaches.

Live streaming links: For regular 10 AM Sunday Services





For those doing their Income Tax and looking for their Giving Statement from the church, Bob Enck emailed them out on January 29 and 30, 2021. This is how you will be receiving them from now on. Please contact Nancy in the church office if you did need it re-sent.

*Washington Farm UMC is currently recruiting for a Part-Time Office Administrator.  Qualified applicants must have excellent organizational skills and a good working knowledge of Microsoft programs, social media platforms, and church software, or a demonstrated ability to learn at a rapid pace.  To apply, please send your resume to the attention of Pamela Wolski at WFUMC, PO Box 36, Mt. Vernon, VA 22121 or Email to pastor@washingtonfarmumc.org.  The deadline to apply is April 2, 2021. Let your friends and neighbors know, especially if they are looking to get out in the work force again after kids are in school, they have retired, but are finding they need a little something more to do, etc. This would be perfect for them. I have loved every minute of it…well, almost 😊, NL.


*Outreach is initiating a new program in association with the monthly Rising Hope Food Collection.  In addition to inviting those who want to donate to drop off food at Sy’s home and at the Education Building, we will be hosting drop-offs in the North (gravel) parking lot across from the church on the 4th Friday of the month, from 11 am to 12 pm.  This will also give you all an opportunity to see one another outside and to be more a part of the ministry.  You can still drop food donations off at the Education Building at any time during the month. Sy Berdux, the point person for this program, will get it to Rising Hope.  I would like members of the congregation who are able to help collect to come and volunteer to help Sy collect – at least 2 people at each drop.  The Outreach Chair is Scharn Robinson.  Please email to her any questions at  outreach@washingtonfarmumc.org.


*It’s not too late to have your Secret Sister gifts delivered by Easter!  Nancy will notify me if any gifts are placed in the Secret Sister basket in the Education Building today or tomorrow so I can deliver them before Sunday.  Save that, call me and I’ll swing by your house.  Happy Easter!

*The Morning Circle will meet on Tuesday, April 6th at 10:00 am in the Fireplace Room.  As part of the new Outreach “basket ministry”, we will work on a craft that will be placed into food baskets that Rising Hope will deliver to senior citizens who are housebound.  Since COVID-19 restrictions are still in place, we can have only 10 ladies present at our meeting, so please advise Nancy Lichtenfels if you plan to attend.  We will wear face masks and practice social distancing.  Also, don’t forget to complete the Health Acknowledgement Form found at the green button on our website.

As part of the new “Basket” ministry with Rising Hope Mission Church, UMW is looking for a few good coffee mugs in which we’ll put beverage packets for 30 shut-in seniors.  The mugs don’t have to be brand new, just in good condition.  Drop off your mugs at the church office or call me and I would be happy to stop by your house for pickup.  Thanks so much! Beth Jones, UMW President

*The Larry Dawes Driveway Plant sale is tentatively scheduled for June 5 from 10 am to 3 pm. If your garden is overcrowded, please consider separating your plants, putting them in pots and bringing them to Larry’s Garden Center (aka his backyard) to be included in the plant sale in June.  The more the merrier. Be sure to label the pots so he knows what he’s selling. Standby.It will one weekend in May.


Requirements: Will be a full-time student in the Fall (preference given to high school seniors); Active Participant at WFUMC; 3.0 grade point average; Commitment to church, school and/or community within past two years.

Renewals: Full-time student; Active participant at WFUMC: 3.0 grade point average; Continued commitment to church, school and/or community within past year.

Apply at: https://forms.gle/XSaFm3DxDLL8H9Cw8

Questions?  Contact the Church Office, admin@washingtonfarmumc.org; 703-780-4694

*The next UMW Womens Outdoor Gathering will be held Tuesday, April 6 at 10 AM, behind the Education building. Bring your mask and your chair. Don’t forget to fill out your Health Acknowledgement Form.

At this time, it is permissible to resume Small Group meetings with no more than 10 attendees inside. If the positivity rate goes back over 15%, we’ll have to return to meeting outside.

Children & Youth

K-5th grade is led by Mel Hinton and Eileen Fraedrich

6th-8th grade is led by Hannah Perkins and Shirley Watson

9th & 10th grade is led by Pam Wolski and Bryan Bourne

11th & 12th grade is led by Drew Barnes and Bob Enck

If you wish to enroll your child in Sunday School Zoom Classes Sunday at 11 AM, or if you would like to join the adult Sunday School class that also meets at 11 AM,contact education@washingtonfarmumc.org to register and for class zoom links.

Adult Sunday School – will not be meeting on Easter Sunday, at 11 am. Join Donna Julian and Steve Brown and journey inside the pages of Scripture to meet a personal God who enters individual lives and begins a creative work from the inside out. 

*Bible Study every Wednesday evening at 7 PM. Join Zoom Bible Study Meeting: Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 929 4623 2196
Passcode: tQPN87

Please contact Sam Barnes for your Zoom link or for more information!


*Financials and Attendance for February are attached.

GIVING – Our Washington Farm family is wonderfully generous and faithful. You make the important work of Christ happen in our community. To make a contribution, you can mail donations to WFUMC, PO Box 36, Mt. Vernon, VA, 22121-0036, or give online. If you have any questions about online giving, please call or email Bob Enck: 571-329-5940, enckfamily2010@yahoo.com

*New info

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