PO Box 36 Mount Vernon, VA 22121 admin@washingtonfarmumc.org 703.780.4696


We are currently worshiping at 10:00AM both in person and on-line. If you worship with us on Facebook, you will be greeted by our head on-line usher, Demetrius and his amazing team. We want to connect with those people we have yet to know, those we know well and everyone in between!

Sunday School for adults is now on-line at 11:30. Contact Lilian at admin@washingtonfarmumc.org for specifics.

Our Sunday service follows a mostly traditional liturgy using the United Methodist Hymnal supplemented with hymns and choral pieces not found in that hymnal. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month.

Come as you are most comfortable and bring the family; we’ve saved a seat for you!


Music is an important part of the life of Washington Farm. From the hymns we sing together on Sunday morning to the many very talented musicians who share their gifts with us in a variety of ways, we consider music to be one of the defining parts of our worship and we strive to praise God well through our musical offering. 

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir sings at all worship services at Washington Farm UMC, The choir does not sing during the months of July and August, but we do have groups and individuals from the choir who assist in the summer services. Rehearsals are every Wednesday at 7:30 PM from the Wednesday after Labor Day through the last Wednesday in the month of June.  All who love music are welcome to join us. It is a wonderful way to praise the Lord and enjoy the company of the choir members.

Flute Ensemble

Fun with the flute! The Washington Farm Flute Ensemble welcomes all flute players!

Do you play the flute? Or did you play in high school? Why not get your flute out and come play with the flute choir! The group rehearses most Sundays around noon, enjoying a wide and varied repertoire of music. There are no auditions to play in this welcoming group which includes professionals as well as relative newcomers to the flute—all are invited!

Wind Ensemble

Washington Farm’s Wind Ensemble plays on special occasions during the year. Do you have experience playing a wind instrument? If so, Washington Farm’s Wind Ensemble has a place for you! The group plays at various church events and services. The band is a mixed ensemble of people who love making music: some professional musicians, some students, adults who played as students, and others who are relatively new to playing in a band. There is a place for everyone in the Wind Ensemble!  Rehearsals are scheduled periodically throughout the year. Contact the music department for further information or to find out when the Wind Ensemble is scheduled to play.

Washington Farm’s Got Talent

A Variety Show in Support of Mission Projects of the United Methodist Church.

An evening of fun and entertainment provided by talented church and community members performing in this charity fun-raiser!

Do you like to sing? Play an instrument? Act in a skit? Dance? Perform a magic trick? Create a work of art? If so, then please sign up to perform on Washington Farm’s Got Talent! This annual event has become a favorite at the church.  With about 25 different acts each year, including children and adults, amateurs and professionals, in a wide variety of genres, you are sure to enjoy it! Donations go to support the ministries identified by the Bishop for the Virginia Annual Conference Offering.  A reception follows the event.

Check back soon for more information related to this event!

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Chancel Choir
