We collect housekeeping items for residents moving out of shelters into their first homes, an expensive endeavor for someone just starting to work and pay his or her own bills. New Hope Housing has a program for organizations to provide “welcome-home kits” for these individuals, who have worked hard at job training, found employment, and are ready for a fresh start. WFUMC “adopts” an individual by helping supply most or all of the items needed when moving into a new home. These should be NEW, not used, items. Partial list of Welcome-Home Kit items: sheets, pillow, blanket, toilet paper, towels, shower curtain, silverware, pots and pans, sponges, dishes, cooking utensils, vacuum, light-bulbs, broom, cleaning supplies, paper towels, trash bags, pot holders, laundry detergent, etc. Please help our less fortunate neighbors get a good start.
Move-In Kits
New Hope Housing Welcome Home Kits (April)