Shop for food for monthly food ministry distribtuions
Provide transportation for food ministry deliveries
Knit or Crochet prayer shawls
Serve as a prayer team member
Serve during the Christmas Tree Project
Email Outreach for information on how to serve for any other local missions.
Children and Youth:
Help as a teacher or aide in the Nursery, Sunday School or Sunday Night Live youth Fellowship
Help provide meals for youth group on Sunday evenings.
Join our choir or learn more about the cantata choir schedule.
Become part of the wind ensemble, brass or flute choir!
Serve as a worship or parking lot greeter.
Serve as a liturgist, usher or acolyte.
Serve on the Altar or Communion Team
Serve on the AV/Tech Team
Provide flowers on Sunday morning.
We have a variety of ways you can volunteer. To sign up or for more information email: Admin@washingtonfarmumc.org or call 703-780-4696.
Shop for food for monthly food ministry distribtuions
Provide transportation for food ministry deliveries
Knit or Crochet prayer shawls
Serve as a prayer team member
Serve during the Christmas Tree Project
Email Outreach for information on how to serve for any other local missions.
Children and Youth:
Help as a teacher or aide in the Nursery, Sunday School or Sunday Night Live youth Fellowship
Help provide meals for youth group on Sunday evenings.
Join our choir or learn more about the cantata choir schedule.
Become part of the wind ensemble, brass or flute choir!
Serve as a worship or parking lot greeter.
Serve as a liturgist, usher or acolyte.
Serve on the Altar or Communion Team
Serve on the AV/Tech Team
Provide flowers on Sunday morning.