Each week in Sunday School, students in grades K thru fifth enjoy a Bible lesson and crafts and activities to reinforce the lesson. They meet in person at 9:00 AM.
Middle School (6th-8th) & High School (9th-12th)
Our Middle School and High School Sunday School students meet each Sunday morning at 9:00 AM for breakfast and Bible study. They meet in the lower level of the Education Building.
Meets Sundays at 11:30 AM in the sanctuary basement and on Zoom
For more information about offerings for any age level, please contact the church by emailor call 703-780-4696.
Acolyte Ministry
Students in grades 3 and up are invited to participate in Washington Farm’s Acolyte Ministry. Interested students will be trained in how to perform the duties of an acolyte —lighting and extinguishing the candles, assisting with baptisms and communion, and aiding the Pastor. Please contact Pastor Claire if you are interested in participating in this vital worship ministry.
Other Children/Family Events
Throughout the year, fun activities are planned for children and their families. Highlights include Youth Fall parties, inter-generational Bible Studies, Service opportunities, Quarterly Fellowship Luncheons and a Church-wide Picnic, Music Camp, and more!
Youth Group
Students in grades 6-12 are invited to participate in the Sunday Night LiveYouth Sundays between 6:00 – 7:30 PM. Students grow in faith and fellowship through opportunities for service, Bible study, socializing with friends, games, activities, and occasional outings. Dinner is included each Sunday night and is provided by volunteers.
One Sunday each month the Washington Farm UMC Youth gather with the Kingstowne Communion UMC Youth for service projects within the community.
Confirmation Class
In the United Methodist Church, students of a certain age (usually around 6th grade) are offered the opportunity to participate in Confirmation class; this class teaches students about basic Christian beliefs, helps them in their personal profession of faith, and prepares the students for membership in the church and for leading a life of Christian discipleship.
If your youth would like to join one the class or you have questions about Confirmation, please contact the church office atAdmin@washingtonfarmumc.org
Various Small Groups: From a men’s breakfast group, to the United Women in Faith, to our Outreach Ministries we have a variety of small groups that meet on a regular basis to maintain connections and share similar interests. If you are interested in being part of a small group, contact the Church Office via email or by phone at 703-780-4696.
Christian Education
Bible Study and Other Growth Opportunities
Elementary School (K-5)
Each week in Sunday School, students in grades K thru fifth enjoy a Bible lesson and crafts and activities to reinforce the lesson. They meet in person at 9:00 AM.
Middle School (6th-8th) & High School (9th-12th)
Our Middle School and High School Sunday School students meet each Sunday morning at 9:00 AM for breakfast and Bible study. They meet in the lower level of the Education Building.
Meets Sundays at 11:30 AM in the sanctuary basement and on Zoom
For more information about offerings for any age level, please contact the church by email or call 703-780-4696.
Acolyte Ministry
Students in grades 3 and up are invited to participate in Washington Farm’s Acolyte Ministry. Interested students will be trained in how to perform the duties of an acolyte —lighting and extinguishing the candles, assisting with baptisms and communion, and aiding the Pastor. Please contact Pastor Claire if you are interested in participating in this vital worship ministry.
Other Children/Family Events
Throughout the year, fun activities are planned for children and their families. Highlights include Youth Fall parties, inter-generational Bible Studies, Service opportunities, Quarterly Fellowship Luncheons and a Church-wide Picnic, Music Camp, and more!
Youth Group
Students in grades 6-12 are invited to participate in the Sunday Night Live Youth Sundays between 6:00 – 7:30 PM. Students grow in faith and fellowship through opportunities for service, Bible study, socializing with friends, games, activities, and occasional outings. Dinner is included each Sunday night and is provided by volunteers.
One Sunday each month the Washington Farm UMC Youth gather with the Kingstowne Communion UMC Youth for service projects within the community.
Confirmation Class
In the United Methodist Church, students of a certain age (usually around 6th grade) are offered the opportunity to participate in Confirmation class; this class teaches students about basic Christian beliefs, helps them in their personal profession of faith, and prepares the students for membership in the church and for leading a life of Christian discipleship.
If your youth would like to join one the class or you have questions about Confirmation, please contact the church office at Admin@washingtonfarmumc.org
Various Small Groups: From a men’s breakfast group, to the United Women in Faith, to our Outreach Ministries we have a variety of small groups that meet on a regular basis to maintain connections and share similar interests. If you are interested in being part of a small group, contact the Church Office via email or by phone at 703-780-4696.